ECBC National Show in Denver, Colorado!

A month and a half has passed since the California show and I've been itching to go to one myself. However, I wasn't expecting my first show would be the ECBC Nationals! Since my owner decided to bring me on this one I don’t have to pass on second hand information from my herd mates. My owner also brought Aria, Earle Grey, Amber, Whisper, Byngo, E2 and Fozzie. This year's show was in Denver, Colorado and so this was my first time on an airplane. My thoughtful owners built some security bars to attach to the travel carrier so we definitely wouldn’t escape! E2 wasn’t lying, the cargo hold is tiny! And you think coach class seats are small! My advice: if the flight attendant offers you a choice of chicken or fish, just politely decline and ask for a bag of honey roasted pellets. It was a long flight, and when we arrived in Denver, it was freezing!
When we arrived on Friday at the show hotel, the hall wasn’t ready yet so our owner helped with setup and took a nap. Oh, and the airlines somehow forgot to put the bag with our food and water containers on the plane in Seattle! So, we didn’t get food or water until 8pm that night! We survived, even if my owner was not pleased by the whole thing.
Saturday was the standard and pelt show, and Aria and Earle Grey did poorly, with 3rd and 2nd place awards. It was pretty disturbing to see pelts of my distant relatives pinned to boards…but I guess that’s why we are all here, right? Okay that thought doesn’t make me feel better. That evening, the CA group put on an interesting montage of chinchilla breeders from decades past to present.
The Sunday mutation show was more interesting. I won a 2nd place, Whisper won Violet Class Champion, Amber won a 1st place and got eliminated just under two La Paloma beiges (which my owner was excited about!), Fozzie got a 2nd place, E2 got a 1st place and our newest herd mate, Byngo won a 1st (which made Nan so proud!). Our owner took home a trophy for Violet Class Champion for his buffalo-sized TOV violet, Whisper!
It was a long, exciting weekend. As for me, I’m just happy to be home and out of my travel cage.