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MCBA West Coast Chapter Show

Well, I got to go to another show today :) Can't say I enjoy being groomed (what type of tasty wood are those combs made out of? I so enjoy biting them) but it is interesting to travel and see new places. Today we went to exotic Bellevue, WA! Hahaha. While it was a nice 20 minute drive from my house to the show hall, it is nice to get out of the cage every once in a while. On a side note, I did just sire my first kit recently and threw my he's a cute little BV boy! And he is porker. Anyhow, I digress, back to the show. Twelve of my herdmates and I arrived and got touched up for show and put in show cages by around 9:30am.

My owner was sitting next to Linda Clark of Cascade Chinchillas. She was the one who sold my owner his first two chins, one of which was my mother. She also brought some chins to show. They groomed and chatted with each other and showed some new chin owners and breeders how to groom their chins for the show.

The show started and the judges, Dick and Mary Jo Bradford, introduced themselves and they were off! These are some very experienced ranchers and judges, and they had many interesting stories and pointers for the new and experienced breeders alike. I came up to the show table and got a 1A...the judges had very nice things to say about me which made me happy...I was awarded the Color Section Reserve Male! Sadly, I was runner up to my herdmate, MyTy, a young scrappy pinkwhite who ended up being Color Section Champion Male. The violets were up next and both my herdmates Whisper and Jazz got 1A awards and were Color Section Female and Males. Beiges were next, and my herdmate Snuggles only got a first ("Just a first!") but his sister Amber got a 1A and won Color Section Champion Female. Then there is Fozzie, a Tan who was embarrassingly showing his priming line. I am not sure what my owner was thinking. Then Naturalles (Standards)...Earle Grey was up and won Color Section Male. Guess he wasn't too out of prime from the CA State show in January. Then the Black Velvets...Dirty Face and Sue Shi were up. They both scored 1A but Dirty Face won Reserve Color Section Female to Cascade Chinchilla's #23 and Sue Shi won Reserve Color Phase Champion. Dick wanted to take her home, which was funny! Last, the Ebonies. E2 scored the Color Section Champion Male. Lunch, then the final judging. Six of the nine on the final table were my herdmates (sadly, I did not make the cut) and I was excited for them! It was MyTy for the white males, Whisper and Jazz representing the violets, Amber representing the Beiges, Earle Grey the Naturalles, and E2 the ebonies. In the end, Whisper won Grand Show Champion, Earle Grey won Reserve Grand Show Champion, and E2 won reserve Champion Male.

What an exciting show! My owner learned so much from the Bradfords, and they were nice enough to stay for a chat with him after the show. They planted many ideas in his head...I wonder what he will be up to next (probably pairing up animals for the season!). BTW, we named my offspring Motti. Can anyone figure out why?

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